Producers Are Pushing to Clamp the Use of Delta – 8 THC on Marijuana Products A few months ago, many people were not aware of the existence of this cannabis compound in the market. However, at present, Delta – 8 is the fastest-growing category in hemp products. As US sales of product list mentioned that […]
What Makes Hemp Paper Better Than Normal Paper? The paper made from hemp is a great alternative to conventional wood paper. A better renewable source for the world’s paper supply would be hemp, as opposed to its rapidly diminishing population of trees. History shows that the very first paper in history was partly hemp, and […]
How to set up CBD Business? It is theoretically possible that hemp can provide benefits for gout, rheumatism, and being absent minded, among other problems according to The Great Herbal book of a Chinese Emperor named Shen Nung. Present-day digital-enabled consumer convenience stores and luxury boutiques alike offer a growing range of CBD products that […]
When it comes to planet Earth, things are certainly not going in the right direction. It needs to be changed quickly or else we will certainly have to face a big loss overall in the terms of humans, economy, and livelihood. So, we need to change ourselves and our lifestyles and stop hurting the planet […]
The coronavirus pandemic has surely made many of us rethink our daily habits. Could your diet be worth a second look too? If you want to switch things up, adopting a vegetarian diet- that is, cutting down on meat, though not essentially eliminating it- could be the perfect way to be healthy and add a […]
A saying goes as, ‘Sustainable Development is a fundamental break that’s going to reshuffle the entire deck. There are companies today that are going to dominate in the future simply because they understand that.’ Cruelty is a part of human nature, but being cruel to Mother Nature is what seems to be our biggest mistake. […]
What is hemp
When it comes to hemp, it is acknowledged as one of the oldest crops on the planet. Not only this, but it also comes with the attribute of being versatile.