Consumption Trends and Market Implications of Hemp Products


Consumption of Hemp seeds oil & Hemp Products Cannabis, or more commonly known as hemp, is replacing conventional plants and products around the globe and Indians are hooked on the trend too. With knowledge and understanding about the goodness of Hemp Seed Oil, Hemp Seeds, Hemp Hearts, and Hemp Fibre Increasing all over the world-India […]

Physical: Hemp for a Healthier You


Introduction Hemp is an emerging product in the market today, and the reasons for this can be attributed in the following ways. Still, what is hemp? You may have heard of it somewhere whether it being used for medical purposes, food supplements and not only. What is Hemp? Hemp is a term that refers to […]

Hemp vs. Cotton: Comparing the Environmental Impact and Versatility

Hemp Fabrics, Blogs

Hemp vs. Cotton : Comparing the Environmental Impact and Versatility- The fabric you use to make apparel needs to be produced from different types of fibres, most of which are made artificially by combining different elements. However, two natural fibres are being used increasingly in the textile industry. These are cotton and hemp. Considering this, […]

Hemp and Nutrition: Exploring the health benefits of hemp seeds


Hemp and Nutrition: Exploring the health benefits of hemp seeds- Humans have always shown a great deal of dependency on plant-based nutrition. Whether it is fresh seasonal produce or seeds and nuts, these food items are supposed to be much healthier than anything else. One such plant derivative that has now become a must-eat for […]

Hemp in Textiles: Revolutionizing the Fashion and Clothing Industry


Hemp in Textiles: Revolutionizing the Fashion and Clothing Industry The textile industry has revolutionized a lot in the past decades. Whether it is automating manufacturing and processing in factories or internationalizing local and precious fabrics, the market has gone up by several notches, albeit in a good way. Moreover, with dynamic environmental conditions, the demand […]

The Potential of Hemp Plant against Global Warming

Blogs, Nature Plants

The Potential of Hemp Plant against Global Warming At present time climate changes and global warming have become an everyday topic of discussion in public discourse. It does not occur naturally. For a long time, both happen from human behaviors. Additionally, these two terms are not synonymous. It is often used interchangeably.  Through this blog, […]

Hemp Seeds: The First Food Your Baby Should Have


Hemp seed for babies: Are you also finding healthy snacks for your baby that they love and are also not over-processed? Luckily hemp seeds are healthy and safe for toddlers and babies. It is not only safe, but they are shelled and ready for snacking. Start feeding solid food to your babies from the age […]

Hemp – How is it Perfect for Keto Diet?


How is it Perfect for Hemp Keto Diet? Nowadays, the Hemp keto diet is widespread, especially among celebrities, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes. However, it is not appropriate for everyone as it requires a strict diet, and when choices come to food, it may be more limited than other diets. The keto diet limits the use […]

Difference Between Male Hemp Seeds And Female Hemp Seeds

Blogs, Nature Plants

Difference Between Hemp Seeds: Do you want the end product to be of the highest quality when made with hemp seeds? For this, you have to learn the difference between male and female hemp seeds. It’s most important for breeders and cultivators to know the ways of distinguishing between them. Being a dioecious plant, hemp […]

FSSAI Recognized Hemp: As Growing Sector in Indian Economy


Hemp As Growing Sector In Indian Economy There is exciting news for the Hemp industry announced by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. FSSAI announced that it now recognizes hemp oil and seed products like food. In the official statement by the Gazette of India published on 15th November, FSSAI released an official […]